Evgeny Granilshchikov
Graduated from the Lyceum of Animated Cinematography (2004), the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity, Photojournalism (2009) and Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia (Igor Mukhin's workshop, 2010-2013). The diploma work, a three-channel film "Positions", referring to the "Chinese woman" by Jean-Luc Godard (1967) and telling about personal and political searches of three young Muscow citizens, received the Kandinsky Prize in the nomination "Young Artist. Project of the Year" (2013).
Participant of exhibitions series "Big Hopes" (2013-2014), organized by Manege/MediaArtLab with the support of Thriumph gallery.
In 2016 the personal exhibition "Untitled (After Defence)" was held in Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, curated by Andrey Miziano and Anna Zaitseva. The project was nominated for Kandinsky Prize, Project of the Year.
In 2013-2015 got grant within the Garage program for young Russian artists.
Lives and works in Moscow.
Personal site: http://cargocollective.com/granilshchikov/
Photos of the works are provided by the author.
Selected Exhibitions
2012 — Kandinsky Art Prize Exhibition. Udarnik. Moscow, Russia
2012 — 3rd Moscow International Bienniale for Young Art. ММОМА. Moscow, Russia
2012 — Show and Tell. E. K. ArtBureau. Moscow, Russia
2013 — Kandinsky Art Prize Exhibition. Udarnik. Moscow, Russia
2013 — Stability. Ghosts. Random gallery. Moscow, Russia
2013 — The Happy End. Multimedia Art Museum. Moscow, Russia
2013 — Rehearsal Time. Triumph Gallery. Moscow, Russia
2014 — Burning News. Hayward Gallery. London, The UK
2014 — 4th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art. Museum of Moscow. Moscow, Russia
2014 — 11. Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. Moscow, Russia
2014 — Sound around Kaliningrad 2014. NCCA. Kaliningrad, Russia
2014 — Something Will Be Lost. Central Exhibition Hall 'Manege'. Moscow, Russia
2015 — Political Populism. Vienna, Austria
2015 — 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. VDNKh. Moscow, Russia
2015 — Borderland. Gallery for Russian Arts and Design. London, The UK
2016 — Untitled (After Destructions). Multimedia Art Museum. Moscow, Russia
2016 — One Within the Other. Art of New and Old Media in the Age of High-speed Internet. Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia
2017 — This is the last song of the evening (Exhibition). Winzavod. Moscow, Russia
2017 — Survival Kit. 15th Istanbul Biennial Parallel Event. Istanbul, Turkey
2017 — 4th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2017 — This Is The Last Song Of The Evening, Winzavod. Moscow, Russia
2013 — Kandinsky Prize in the “Young Artists: Project of the Year” category
2014-2015 — Shortlist of INNOVATION Prize. Nominee of the Competition in "New Generation" Nomination
2014-2016 — Laureate of Garage’s grant program in “SUPPORT OF RUSSIAN CONTEMPORARY ART”
2015 — Special award at Innovation prize from the Embassy of France in Russia
2016 — The goEast film festival. OPEN FRAME AWARD