Irina Gorlova
“... inside the Tretyakov Gallery there is an understanding of quality and even such a thing as a "masterpiece". Nevertheless, I repeat, it was important for us to show that history did not stop. And here we go back to where we started — there are museums that take the right position, realizing that it is necessary to show the artists of today." (Irina Gorlova, ArtGuide).
Russian curator, art critic. Graduated from the Department of Art History of the Faculty of History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 1995 — Researcher at the State Center for Contemporary Art, since 2002 — Head of the Department of Art Programs, until 2016. Since 2017 — Head of the Department of the Latest Trends of the State Tretyakov Gallery.
She has implemented more than 50 curatorial projects, including in cooperation with partners from international museums and contemporary art centers.